Green Plant Care For Beginners

Green Plant Care For Beginners - Love Orchids

Good news, beginners: We're confident you can keep these indoor beauties alive.

We know this might be the start of your green plant journey, so we want to make it as easy as possible for you to keep these delights alive and thriving!

Whether you have a large variety of house plants or you’re just dipping your toes into the world of green plants, we want to help! Our wonderful Green Plant Pairs give some great options for low-maintenance greens for all you beginner plant parents.

We currently offer 3 greens in our shop: Ficus Tineke, Monstera Deliciosa and Calathea Makoyana. These 3 plants are varying levels of low-maintenance and we have given you all the basic tips below!

Ficus Elastica - 'Rubber Plant':

The Ficus Elastica is an evergreen tropical tree that comes in many different varieties but is most commonly seen in 3 varieties. Ficus Robusta, (Large deep green leaves) Ficus Abidjan, (Dark green, near black reddish leaves) and, our personal favourite, Ficus Tineke, (variegated leaves with reddy-pink hues). 

Fun Fact: NASA has recommended this wonderful plant for its air-purifying properties!

Placement: As the Ficus Elastica doesn't like completely drying out, try to avoid placing it somewhere with a cold draft or near a radiator.

Bright, indirect light is perfect for this plant but try to avoid direct sunlight as the leaves are prone to scorching. This plant would thrive near a south-facing window where it's bright enough but not too direct. However, these plants are known for being somewhat tolerant of lower light levels so you can always move this plant around to see what works best for you! The ideal temperature range for them is between 15°C and 25°C.

Watering: The Ficus Elastica is quite a fan of moisture so when you water this plant you need to make sure you water just enough that the water passes through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. However, just be careful not to let the plant sit with water at the bottom of the decorative pot as this may cause root rot.

We would suggest watering when the plant is around 80-90% dry. You can measure this by placing a moisture meter, skewer or just your finger into the potting soil to see how moist the mix still is. In summer, this may be every week but winter maybe only fortnightly. (For an extra happy plant, you can also mist the leaves every now and again!)

Monstera Deliciosa - 'Swiss Cheese Plant':

The Monstera Deliciosa, native to southern Mexico and Panama, is a hardy and easy to care for plant known most commonly as the “Swiss cheese plant". This is a result of the distinct development of ridges and holes on its more mature leaves, known as fenestrations

The plant's name "deliciosa" is derived from the pineapple-like fruit it produces in its natural environment.

Placement: As this plant's native habitat is in warm bright countries like Mexico, it thrives in medium to bright light (indirect sunlight where possible) but can acclimate to slightly more direct sunlight over time. It’s also best to not let the plant sit in cold rooms, where possible, keep this plant above 15 degrees Celsius. This plant also loves humidity so try misting the leaves every now and again or incorporating a small humidifier.

Watering: It's best to water your plant every 1-2 weeks, making sure to let the soil dry out between waterings. As with most plants, you’ll find yourself watering more often in warmer, summer months and less in cloudy, cooler winter months.

Calathea Makoyana - 'Peacock Plant:

This plant is commonly found in the shady undergrowth of damp rainforests and is popular as a houseplant because of its decorative leaves. However, Calathea Makoyana requires a little more attention and may be better suited for slightly more experienced houseplant parents. This bushy-growing plant can reach heights of 30 to 50 cm, with its individual leaves reaching up to 15cm in size.

Placement: Due to its natural habitat, this plant prefers medium levels of bright indirect light, it should never be in direct sunlight as it's thin leaves can burn very easily. Being near a north facing window may be ideal for this plant. As for temperature, we must again remember this plant is found in warm humid rainforests naturally and so really does not enjoy the cold. They are known to survive temperatures of 15 degrees, however they become rather slow growing when kept in these temperatures for prolonged periods of time.

Watering: This most important thing to remember with the peacock plant is that it LOVES moisture (just not being drowned!). This plant should not be kept to a strict watering schedule, the frequency of watering may change from month to month but as long as you're watering when the plant is between 50-60% (using a moisture meter, skewer, or your finger to test). During the winter, it is recommended to allow it to dry out a bit more, while in the summer months, it is advised to slightly increase moisture levels.

Any Green Plant Questions?

We hope our top tips help you become a far more varied plant parent! If you have any more questions before starting, or whilst you're on your green plant journey, please send us an email to

So if you still just want to try out growing green plants our pairs maybe the perfect option for you!